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SENESCHAL - Chapter President

Monsignor Philippus Cementarius - Eric McLaughlin


The Seneschal is essentially the elected President of the group. He/she clarifies the laws and policies of the Society and Kingdom.




EXCHEQUER - Treasurer

Lord Giovanni Da Treviso - Ryan McKay


The duties of the Exchequer are best summarized as taking care of the money, while being frugal, honest, courteous, responsible, and honourable in dealings with everyone. This includes the populace, superior officers, any subordinate officers, and the modern world. The Exchequer makes sure everyone is kept informed about the status of the branch‘s money and equipment.




HERALD - Heraldry Research Organizer

Lord Michael of Heorot Denu - Michael Clark


The Herald is in charge of all aspects of Heraldry in Heorot Denu.




MINISTER OF ARTS & SCIENCES - Research & Activity Organizer

The Honourable Lady Berengaria of Outremer - Betty Braaksma


The Minister of Arts & Sciences maintains the criteria of the A&S competitions. He/she acts as a contact for the members of the populace with questions about the various arts. He/she acts as a liaison to the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences, and reports to the Kingdom MoAS on a regular basis, per Corpora.



CHATELAINE - Newcomer Orientation

Lady Annette Redlocks - Elizabeth Clark


The Chatelaine is responsible for overseeing newcomer recruiting/education and demonstration activities, and assisting the Seneschal and with public relations activities. The Chatelaine generally fosters a welcoming attitude towards the general public and newcomers to the SCA.




KNIGHT MARSHAL - Activity Organizer




The Knight Marshal promotes safe and orderly combat and is a direct representative of the Crown, and a legal representative of the SCA.




ARCHERY MARSHAL - Activity Organizer




The Archery Marshal promotes the safe and orderly conduct of archery activities.



RAPIER MARSHAL - Activity Organizer




The Rapier Marshal promotes the safe and orderly conduct of rapier activities.








The Thrown Weapons Marshal promotes the safe and orderly conduct of thrown weapons activities.




WEBMINISTER/MISTRESS - Web & List Coordinator

Onora Inghean ui Rowe - Nikita Lindenberg



The Webminister is responsible for managing the Village's website and is an Administrator for the Heorot Denu Facebook group.




Chronicler - Newsletter Coordinator

Onora Inghean ui Rowe - Nikita Lindenberg


This position and its duties have currently been combined with Webminister. The Chronicler is responsible for taking minutes and notes at meetings and creating a bi-annual newsletter.


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